alma Directory module has several features that help you store and manage alma personal, educational and professional information. Allows to distinguish alma based on their achievements or talents.
Register, store and manage alma details -personal, educational, current job details and many more.
Distinguished Alma based on their talents or achievements or by their uniqueness.
Edit alma details anytime. Manage their personal, educational, current job status and achievements.
Job module allows you to post job openings for alma as well as for the current students pursuing education. Also allows you to manage applications for job requests.
Post job openings for alma and students who are eligible.
Edit, delete, hide, and repost job openings.
Accept, reject, delete applied for job requests by analyzing submitted resumes.
Reunion module helps you connect with other alma. You can post a reunion event to meet each other and spend time together. You can also manage the number of people who are interested to attend reunion event.
Post reuniona long with following details: Place, timings, reunion title, reunion reason or description.
Edit, delete, hide posted reunions if needed.
Manage reunion requests and also the number of people that are interested in the event.
Donation module allows you to raise donations for people who are in critical situations or during a pandemic. You can raise donation, track and received amount through graph and auto generated reports.
Post donation details: Donation for, donation description, minimum amount required etc.
Edit, delete, hide posted donation details if required.
Manage and track received donation amount via graph and auto generated reports.
Updates module is integrated with several other modules to help you keep up with the latest happenings in the institution. You can post the latest news, make announcements or post events that will be held at institutions and many more.
Post seminar or event details that will be held in upcoming days.
Post or upload important pictures of events, or of any special occasions.
Post or share interesting stories like biography or any events that took place with others.
Post or share interesting articles and illustrations of particular subject with others.
Post or announce important and official information.
Post or upload important videos of events, or of any special occasions